Terms and Conditions
The following is the automatic contract between client and StubCheck.com, all of which is effective immediately with use of services.In any case that you do not understand or feel that these terms do not suit you, decline this contract simply by choosing not to use StubCheck.com. We encourage all users to read and comprehend these terms and conditions, as well aschecking back to ensure you have the most updated copy for future reference.
Limited License
User understands that StubCheck.com provides limited and revocable privileges for use StubCheck.com, the use of which is purely constrained to personal, non-commercial use only. Any public use of StubCheck.com is not part of the aforementioned contract, and is considered illegal unless otherwise agreed upon through consent of StubCheck.com
Copyright & Plagiarism
The user understands that all imagery, rights, titles and other content, products and services owed by StubCheck.com through our copyrights, trademarks, patents, or any and all additional content or concerns found in this website are owned exclusively by StubCheck.com – and with the exception of rights adopted through personal use of StubCheck.com services, none of the aforementioned rights may be adopted by user through the use of StubCheck.com
Inappropriate Use of StubCheck.com
During use of StubCheck.com, users agree to act in accordance with state and national laws. Users failing to uphold our terms and conditions, or whom are otherwise found engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities during the use of this website understand that any liability resulting in such behavior will NOT become the responsibility or concern of StubCheck.com
User Expulsion
Rights of the user to continue the use of their account on StubCheck.com based on adherence to terms of use, respect toward privacy matters, observance of laws, or any other matters is the sole decision of StubCheck.com administrators. If, for any reason seen fit by StubCheck.com, the user fails to act in accordance to appropriate StubCheck.com standards and practices, StubCheck.com reserves the right to expel user from further use of its services.
Acceptance of Website Function
StubCheck.com clients recognize that services offered by this site do not mean to replace individualized support as in that experienced by the hiring of a tax professional. StubCheck.com provides the most up-to-date and accurate software in order to provide precise computations for your needs – however, user dependence on the resulting computations created for you through StubCheck.com is done purelyat user risk. For the purposes of yearly taxes, StubCheck.com advises user to seek a tax professional for the advisement of potential differences in state tax deductions and/or potential individual tax code discrepancies.
Warranty Disclaimer
During use of StubCheck.com, user agrees to access services on an 'as is' basis, with the understanding that no warranty is granted of any kind, which may include but is not limited to warranties for the fitness of a particular service, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, warranties of title, computer virus protection, and/or any and all other brand of warranty that may arise in the process of utilization or performance of features.
Limitation of Liability
User understands that StubCheck.com assumes a zero liability policy in the event that any type of loss, injury, damage of any type, expense, claim, loss or action of any kind that may result from your utilization of StubCheck.com above the amount of One Hundred USD. In the case that your jurisdiction does not recognize limitation on either warranties or the lack or limitation of liability for the above or any other types of damages, the aforementioned limitations may not apply to user.
Statute of Limitations
User and StubCheck.com recognize that any cause of action that may ensue from the use of StubCheck.com must be put into place within one (1) calendar year following the event that is cause for the action. In the case that action is sought after one year, the aforementioned cause of action will be invariably declined.
Claims of Copyright Infringement/Plagiarism
In the case that you believe that StubCheck.com has committed copyright infringement of your original work, please contact us via email with the following items: (a) detailed description of the original work in question; (b) specific location of work in question on StubCheck.com; (c) your personal contact information, including telephone number, home and email address; (d) a written statement, signed by you, stating that you, in good faith and of sound mind do believe that the work in question has been infringed upon, and consent has not been otherwise given for its use by the copyright owner, its acting agent or the law; and (e) a statement written with the understanding that you may be held under the penalty of perjury if the above material in your understanding is not completely accurate, and that you own copyright to the work in question or are authorized to speak on behalf of the copyright owner.
Consent to State Jurisdiction
In the utilization of the services on StubCheck.com, you understand that any legal issues arising from or related to user access of StubCheck.com will be overseen and governed according to the laws of the state of Massachusetts with no consequence to conflict of laws principles.
Accepting Terms and Conditions
By your access of StubCheck.com website and/or services, user represents that: (a) You are at least eighteen (18) years of age or older, and (b) there is no reason that you are not entirely capable of the full understanding of these terms and conditions. IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18), WE ASK THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM THE USE OF StubCheck.com.
User understands that these terms and conditions and/or any other rights that may be considered hereunder are not transferrable and may not be assigned by you, but may be assigned by StubCheck.com without restrictions.
Potential Modification of Terms
User understands that StubCheck.com may alter terms and conditions at any time deemed necessary, without written notice to users. In order to stay abreast of any future changes, visit StubCheck.com on occasion to revisit terms and conditions for your knowledge.
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